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Les invito a este maravilloso encuentro entre artistas cubanos y venezolanos en Barcelona, una exposición que une diversos estilos, que si bien discrepan en el lenguaje formal y conceptual, juntos nos fusionamos para transmitir nuestras emociones y vivencias.Gracias a la Fundación de Arte Contemporáneo Matilde Tamayo y The WentNorth Norton Group por su auspicio y colaboración, y a todos los artistas participantes por brindarme la oportunidad de exponer junto a invite you to this wonderful meeting between Cuban and Venezuelan artists in Barcelona, an exhibition that unites different styles, which although they disagree in the formal and conceptual language, together we merge to convey our emotions and experiences.Thanks to the Matilde Tamayo Contemporary Art Foundation and The WentNorth Norton Group for their sponsorship and collaboration,and to all the participating artists for giving me the opportunity to exhibit with them.
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