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Siempre es un orgullo y emoción visitar a quién dedicó tanto de su tiempo a mi formación en el mundo del arte. Visitarla es volver a mis comienzos, a mis raíces, reencontrar mi esencia, y reafirmar mis metas en la vida. El mundo debe entender que existen personas especiales, honestas, modestas y sinceras, pero sobre todo, preparadas y justas. Me refiero a mi profesora de Artes Plásticas Lisaida Engracia Lamar Martínez. Gran #MUJER y is always a pride and excitement to visit who dedicated so much of his time to my training in the art world. To visit it is to return to my beginnings, to my roots, to rediscover my essence, and to reaffirm my goals in life. The world must understand that there are special people, honest, modest and sincere, but above all, prepared and fair. I am referring to my Art teacher Lisaida Engracia Lamar Martínez. Thank you for giving me so much and without measure. You will always be with me.#artist #painting
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